The Young Innovator - Social Entrepreneurship
We use design thinking and a user-centred approach to identify opportunities and pilot solutions for positive social change.
Students participate in a series of experiential workshops that help them come up with ideas for and test it through prototyping. If successful, we extend our support for building a sustainable business model by connecting them to mentors, prospective users, NGOs, organizations and investors.
Teens for a cause - Community Impact
Our global community impact projects instill in students the courage of conviction and advocating for what they believe in through their choices and actions.
We are able to build sensitivity, awareness, and the maturity to understand how they can contribute to the larger society by working with segments of the society that they usually are distant from.
Corporeality -Internships, Apprenticeship, Gigs
Corporeality is our industry mentorship program where you learn to identify your stronger points and career fields you want to work on in future.
This is a great way of building relationships and networks to be connected throughout your life! Numerous Gigs, matching your skills and academic schedules help you experience and evaluate new domains. You can objectively evaluate if a particular career path suits you through direct industry exposure.
Theory in Action - Academic Projects, Research Studies
Connecting academics to the real-world is one of the largest benefits of pursuing project-based learning and facilitating research opportunities.
We facilitate collaborative learning through our Theory in Action program led by several academicians globally so you can enhance your understanding of academic disciplines. Our balanced approach to solving real-world problems increases your chances of success led by deep knowledge in whatever career you choose.
North Star
We bridge out of the box experiences to integral learning through North Star by facilitating insights about new leadership skills for future economies.
It is an orientation to enterprises and projects in new domains as well as practical remote working environments. We foster remote team building, networking, patience, passion and an entrepreneurial mindset. The key is in the translation of experiences into Value based leadership.